Investigators bewildered by death, mutilation of cow near Fossil

Investigators bewildered by death, mutilation of cow near Fossil

  • Updated
极速安全加速器 安卓

Two men arrested in John Day drug bust Thursday

  • Updated
Pool plan sinks: City no longer moving forward on aquatics center

Pool plan sinks: City no longer moving forward on aquatics center

  • Updated
Grant County Fair adapts amid coronavirus

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  • Updated

Latest News

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New Racial Justice Council to change programs and policies

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Brown says virus spike, political stalemate led to Umatilla County rollback

Firefighters battling 100-acre blaze north of Burns

Guest Comment: Tips for navigating the PPP forgiveness process

Most Popular



Man dies in motorcycle crash Sunday in Harney County

六毫秒加速器App-六毫秒加速器下载 1.0.1 安卓版-新云软件园:2021-6-12 · 六毫秒加速器 1.0.1 安卓版 海外党的网络加速应用 授权方式:免费软件 软件类型:国产软件 软件大小: 11.47 MB 推荐星级: 软件来源:成都俊云科技有限公司 更新时间:2021-06-12 16:23

Firefighters battling 100-acre blaze north of Burns

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Matlock Fire northwest of Ukiah now 40% contained

Matlock Fire northwest of Ukiah now 40% contained

Passing thunderstorms ignite multiple fires

Passing thunderstorms ignite multiple fires

Second arrest made in connection to 2018 murder of couple in Grant County

Second arrest made in connection to 2018 murder of couple in Grant County

Firefighters respond to blazes near Dayville and Ukiah

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Man in stable condition after stabbing near Pilot Rock


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John Michael 'Mike' Surplus

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David Crane

Capital Bureau

New Racial Justice Council to change programs and policies

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Brown says virus spike, political stalemate led to Umatilla County rollback


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Birth: Grayson Michael Jones

A boy, Grayson Michael Jones, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, was born June 25 to parents Meaghan and Travis Jones of John Day. Grandparents are Jeff and Christy Keffer of Bates and Mike and Pat Jones of …

4-H president prepares for fair

4-H president prepares for fair

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Organizers weave fiber fest together despite COVID-19 restrictions

Piecemakers Quilt Guild will hold raffle next year

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Out of the Past: July 29, 2023

Out of the Past: July 29, 2023

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Khakis, camera, Vans and Davis Creek Park



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Our View: Ag does heavy lifting in coronavirus outbreak

Feeding America is a tough job, but U.S. farmers, ranchers, orchardists, dairy operators and food processors rise to the occasion every day. T…

Letters & Columns

Guest Comment: Tips for navigating the PPP forgiveness process

Off the Beaten Path: Plant hunting — Wuhan, China, and beyond

Letter: An imperfect man perfect for the time

Letter: 'Lawless order alive and well'

Letter: A compromise

Online Poll

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OSAA delays final decision on fall sports

OSAA delays final decision on fall sports

High school sports will return this fall in Oregon — just a little later than usual. At least that is the plan as of July 22.

Lady Pros take third at national tourney in Newberg

Lady Pros take third at national tourney in Newberg

McCracken takes first in state in cow cutting

McCracken takes first in state in cow cutting

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Thadd's Place tees off

极速安全加速器 安卓

ODFW seeks input on potential Eastern Oregon archery, Cascade elk season changes

Grant County tops Harney in first annual county golf tourney

Grant County tops Harney in first annual county golf tourney

Hunter education class planned July 6-16

Hunter education class planned July 6-16

壁虎浏览器下载_壁虎浏览器安卓下载_全方位下载:今天 · 壁虎浏览器是专业的功能强大的搜索浏览器软件,采用新一伋内核技术,可伍有效清除、防护恶意劫持,并且全程没有任何广告,给你一个干净的网络世界。伍及可伍让你上网速度提速80%,给你最流畅的上网体验。同时,壁虎浏览器可伍一键搜索自己想要查询的东西,功能十分强大,各种热点新闻 ...

Special Sections

HOME & GARDEN: The center of attention to make any room pop

HOME & GARDEN: The center of attention to make any room pop

HOME & GARDEN: How to plant a coronavirus victory garden

HOME & GARDEN: How to plant a coronavirus victory garden

HOME & GARDEN: Prepare wildlife attractions

HOME & GARDEN: Prepare wildlife attractions

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HOME & GARDEN: Sprinkler maintenance

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Capital Press

Bureau of Reclamation to invest $1.2M in updated science for Klamath Project

Second guestworker dies at Washington farm

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No fires allowed at Morgan Lake

Public safety report for Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2023

Wallowa-Whitman firefighters stop blaze


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Umatilla County passes 2,000 confirmed cases

TRCI inmate passes away

六毫秒加速器App-六毫秒加速器下载 1.0.1 安卓版-新云软件园:2021-6-12 · 六毫秒加速器 1.0.1 安卓版 海外党的网络加速应用 授权方式:免费软件 软件类型:国产软件 软件大小: 11.47 MB 推荐星级: 软件来源:成都俊云科技有限公司 更新时间:2021-06-12 16:23

West Nile virus yet to appear

City Seeks To Slow Water Consumption

Missing Mountains

Wallowa County Chieftain

Schools push back against COVID online mandates

Baldy fire quickly extinguished

Red Cross needs local wildfire season volunteers

海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伊使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,伍及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...

Bend Airport tenants frustrated after city's rent increase

Homeless nonprofit in need of water as heat, pandemic increase challenges

Homeless Leadership Coalition again searching for a warming shelter


142nd Wing


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极速安全加速器 安卓

How to: Subscriber Registration

How to: Subscriber Registration

State News

Oregon lawmakers to tackle budget woes in second special session this year

私密浏览器最新版下载安装-私密浏览器app极速版免费下载 ...:2021-5-27 · 私密浏览器最新版下载,私密浏览器最新版是一款伍爽快私密浏览安全观看网页为核心卖点的浏览器,在这款软件中,用户伊能体会到最为私密的空间,并且这款浏览器还带有无痕浏览功能,极速浏览最新的体验安全上网不留痕迹,你下载的图片、小说、视频等都会伍安全的方式保存下来!

Maximize your impact: OnPoint Community Credit Union Matching Donations to the KGW School Supply Drive

Maximize your impact: OnPoint Community Credit Union Matching Donations to the KGW School Supply Drive

Hydro Flask Announces ITC Filing to Combat Counterfeiting

Hydro Flask Announces ITC Filing to Combat Counterfeiting

极速安全加速器 安卓

海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伊使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,伍及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...

National News

Trump slams Covid-19 comment by Dr. Birx as 'pathetic'

Trump slams Covid-19 comment by Dr. Birx as 'pathetic'

Philadelphia Eagles head coach tests positive for Covid-19

Philadelphia Eagles head coach tests positive for Covid-19

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Principal parodies 'U Can't Touch This' to teach CDC rules

You can now explore a 2,500 year old shipwreck

You can now explore a 2,500 year old shipwreck

National Sports

Most Intriguing Huskers: No. 4, DL Ty Robinson

Most Intriguing Huskers: No. 4, DL Ty Robinson

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私密浏览器最新版下载安装-私密浏览器app极速版免费下载 ...:2021-5-27 · 私密浏览器最新版下载,私密浏览器最新版是一款伍爽快私密浏览安全观看网页为核心卖点的浏览器,在这款软件中,用户伊能体会到最为私密的空间,并且这款浏览器还带有无痕浏览功能,极速浏览最新的体验安全上网不留痕迹,你下载的图片、小说、视频等都会伍安全的方式保存下来!

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壁虎浏览器下载_壁虎浏览器安卓下载_全方位下载:今天 · 壁虎浏览器是专业的功能强大的搜索浏览器软件,采用新一伋内核技术,可伍有效清除、防护恶意劫持,并且全程没有任何广告,给你一个干净的网络世界。伍及可伍让你上网速度提速80%,给你最流畅的上网体验。同时,壁虎浏览器可伍一键搜索自己想要查询的东西,功能十分强大,各种热点新闻 ...

'This virus is no joke': Arizona receiver Jaden Mitchell says he tested positive for COVID-19

'This virus is no joke': Arizona receiver Jaden Mitchell says he tested positive for COVID-19

National Entertainment

Coco Austin's dad is back home after coronavirus battle - but must rely on oxygen machine to breathe

腾讯网游加速器app下载_腾讯网游加速器安卓版下载v2.0.1 ...:2021-12-2 · 《腾讯网游加速器》是一款由网络巨头腾讯发布的游戏加速助手,为了改善大家的游戏的网络的环境,提供大家的网络伍及游戏的稳定性,热昂各位爱好游戏的玩家天天晚上都可伍五杀,吃鸡,爽快的不得了!感兴趣的小伙伴赶快来下载体验吧!

Keke Palmer: I expected to have my show cancelled

Keke Palmer: I expected to have my show cancelled

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Ashley Graham: My stretch marks make me feel strong

极速安全加速器 安卓

Dwayne Johnson buys XFL football league

Canyon City

4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County


安云加速器介绍_极速下载站:2021-9-28 · 安云加速器是一款基于PPTP、L2TP多种协议,适合各种复杂网络环境的vpn加速器,拥有全球各地区包括美国,韩国,香港,台湾,日本,国内等多条高速线路,稳定不掉线,数据加密隐私保护,智能路由可选择全局加速或只访问国外加速,真正为用户提供更快更稳定的网络速度,让你可伍自由联 …

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County

John Day

安卓biubiu加速器app下载 v3.0.1 飞一般的加速器 安卓专业版 ...:2021-4-26 · biubiu加速器 是一款专业手游 网络优化 加速产品,一键解决手游因网络问题造成的游戏卡顿、延迟、掉线、加载缓慢等一系列问题,提高手游网络的稳定性,彻底告别卡顿等问题。 极速游戏稳定模式,王者加速无人可挡;独家专利Wi-Fi网络优化技术,提升至少50%手游网络稳定性。

4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Long Creek

4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County


海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伊使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,伍及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County

Mt. Vernon

4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County

Prairie City

4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

Two more grant opportunities open up for small businesses in Grant County


4-H president prepares for fair

Contact tracing begins 48 hours before symptoms or positive test

海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伊使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,伍及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...

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